Rubix Cube Souls...

Hi guys! 


All right, so today, I'm going to start by telling you about a strangely spiritual experience I had with a rubix cube this week. Now, I know that before I even get to saying what it was my parents (and other mathematicians round the world) are going to be thrilled by the fact that I had such a special experience with a puzzle. So while you are all standing there with your mouths gaping open at the phenomenon that Hmn Lindsey appreciated a mathematical object with deep profundity, let me explain what happened. This week I've been thinking a lot about the conversion process-- about what it really takes for a person to gain a testimony and desire to be baptized. I guess it would make sense that I would be thinking pretty seriously about this considering I'm a missionary. Anyhow, for those of you that aren't familiar with the process, general missionaries try to get a person from the first lesson to baptism pretty quickly-- actually, as fast as-- four weeks. The day I found that out I had such a rebellious little fit about it because I didn't at all understand why that was fair because NOBODY GAINS A TESTIMONY IN FOUR WEEKS. Members of the church and non members both can understand that right? It's a huge change. That's why we use the word "CONVERSION." To change your heart? Your desires? YOUR ENTIRE WORLD VIEW. Yeah...nobody does that in four weeks! Anyways, as I've been sucked into the vacuum bubble of missionary thinking, about last week I was forgetting what I'd always known about conversion (that it takes a long time)-- and I think that is why I was so frustrated with the fact that we had to drop Miguel. So Saturday of this week, when we were talking about how incredible it was/is that G (our MARVELOUS investigator that is getting baptized THIS UPCOMING SUNDAY if all goes well!!! :)) has progressed so quickly, I made the realization that one of the reasons she was so ready is that she had talked with missionaries before-- and I started thinking about how that was only ONE of the things that had prepared her, and how there are so many millions of little moments in which she recognized God's love and was pointed towards God's light that we would never be able to know all of them-- and then I made that realization and said in the passenger seat of the car to my companion-- "The thing is, nobody gets converted in 4 weeks." It's funny cause I'd known it for what seems like my whole life, but it hit me then in a way that made me realize that we can't beat ourselves up when we have to drop people etc. Ok, second part of the story-- the one with the actual rubix cube-- yesterday morning as we were getting ready for church we were listening to a talk given by a young man who had converted to Catholicism to Mormonism when he was in college after studying to be a priest for many years. He described a lot of the little pieces. During part of that talk-- I sat down to work on the rubix cube that I have been trying to solve for days. I find it soothing, for some reason. And as I was sitting there, listening to this talk, trying to solve this rubix cube and wondering why I liked doing it so much because I am DEFINITELY not a math person (as you all know)-- I started to think about how every day when we go into lessons we solve puzzles-- we try to figure out what pavilions people have between them and God and how we can break down those pavilions so that they can accept his love. I started thinking about how our relationships with God are like those rubix cubes-- and if we have perfect faith, then we're a perfectly solved rubix cube with all the colors on the right sides; and if we're super mixed up and have no idea what to believe in or who to believe in or if we should really believe in anything at all--- then we look like the rubix cube that was in my hands. Different mismatching pieces of our soul all over the place. And as I was thinking about that, the complexity of the conversion process suddenly became very simple.


I think the problem is because of love or because of pride or because of empathy or because of the desire to be the winner-- I want to be the one that solves all the puzzles and baptizes all the people-- but the fact is, I am not going to do that; and quite frankly-- that is not what I am supposed to do. Missionaries solve parts of the puzzles-- NOT all of them. We're actually meant to just be the hands at the very end-- that put together just the last few pieces to get people ready for baptism. And THAT'S why we have the 4-6 week deadline. And somehow, in that moment, sitting there with my rubix cube-- I didn't care that I had only solved part of the green side, because in reality I had solved something much bigger and I had found a way to have peace in my heart. 


I guess what I would really want you guys to take out of this is that if we are going to have success in the work-- the Lord needs more than the people at the end of the table to finish the rubix cube. He needs an assembly line! And you better be there-- working out the puzzles in your friends' lives to help them get closer to God!! 


And for all my lovely non member friends reading this, I might as well tell you the one way in which the rubix cube analogy is flawed-- Rubix cubes can't solve themselves. They have to be solved. But people are different-- and the fact is that in the end, missionaries don't convert anybody. Friends don't convert anybody either. At the end of the day, this process of conversion is between God and you. And unless you make the effort to figure out how to reach Him (or to recognize how He is reaching you)-- then nothing anybody ever does will make any difference! 


So go solve some rubix cube souls and strengthen all those relationships with God!!!! (and remember that the first conversion you should seek is your own!) 



1. We had 6 investigators at church this week-- which is all of our progressing investigators plus 2. To give you an idea of how good this is....the mission standard (which is really awesome to reach) is 4. We were thrilled! It was an answer to all of our prayers. Not for the number itself OBVIOUSLY, but for the fact that 6 PEOPLE were brought closer to their Savior Jesus Christ by making the often very difficult decision of going to a new and very different church for the first (or 2nd or in the case of G--4th) time. It was AMAZING!!! 

2. We have been teaching the grandchildren of a less active member lately, and they are the cutest. Their names are P, J and J. The youngest, who is 4 and is a self-declared atheist (I know, incredible for a 4 year old) prayed with us this week. That was a BIG step with him!!! AH IF ALL OF OUR INVESTIGATORS ARE RUBIX CUBE PUZZLES I WANT TO SOLVE HIM THE MOST!!! 

3. yesterday in church, for the first time I understood our entire Sociedad de Soccoro (Relief Society) (which is of course, entirely in spanish). It was actually such a perfect lesson because it was about being patient with ourselves and being happy in all and my comp are definitely working on that!!!

4. We had a ward potluck on Friday. They did some seriously impressive dancing-- man I am going to learn something from these Hispanic ladies! haha :P Although of course, we could only watch them dance...

5. Playing for Multi-Zones was great, and also at multi-zones we had a testimony meeting so it was kinda crazy cause I gave my testimony first and of course cried like a baby and then RIGHT AFTER they were like "and now we will have a special musical number from Hermana Lindsey..." hahaha oh dear that was an emotionally draining 15 minutes haha :p 

6. we got two references from a family this week and one of the ladies we are going to visit has cancer. God is really humbling me with all these cancer patient investigators!!!-- He is showing me how lucky I am to be a survivor and also how inspired my call is/was! 

7. we taught M her first lesson at her yard sale after helping her set it up...and that was pretty cool haha :P It's nice cause we have had a hard time getting to her cause her husband has been not so supportive of the lessons....BUT after inviting him to the potluck (which he came to) he has been WAY more friendly! YAY! 

8. one day this week we read the new testament in our comfy chairs with popcorn. Haha it was kind of like a bonding companion movie night, except with the scriptures. It was EXCEPTIONAL :D 

9. we found two new investigators this week in the more sketchy part of town and one of them is CLEARLY on a search for the truth, so I really am feeling hopeful for her...Their names are Myra and Nico. Nico is the mom, and she is not as interested but Myra is very interested and super nice so that is great! :D 

10. we started this week by reading "Having the Faith to Find" from P.M.G....I feel like that really helped me...and we did well on our talking with everyone goals-- we street contacted like 35 people, which isn't a ton, but it is more than we were doing because in all honesty we are usually in appointments which is definitely a blessing!! 


Ok so that's it for this week! All is well, I'm feeling better-- dealing with stress better I think haha :P-- and obviously I am learning more about patience, the attribute I always seem to be learning about! haha :P 


I love you all so much. Take care of yourselves please, and remember God loves you!!! 


Hermana Lindsey