Every step is a step closer to your dream!

Dear friends and family,

This week was awesome! We did some really cool work in Home Gardens, that we hadn't really been to yet, and got to go on more splits. In a trio, there is really so much you can do-- so much multitasking can be accomplished-- especially on splits! I'm gonna be sad when Hermana Dulong goes home because this trio has been my most fun companionship yet! Our most solid investigator dropped us, but THANKFULLY two people we just started teaching this last week went to church so that was super cool. We're teaching this lady that works in a school for disabled students and she is so intelligent and curious and wants answers for everything and I love investigators like that cause I'm just the same. haha :P Also, just by the way, I love this zone. The sisters are super fun and the elders are nice, so it works out good. Also the zone leaders are really determined to get everything up and moving more so that's a nice motivation-- but also they are good at telling us when we've done enough/when we are working hard enough. Per example, the other day in our district meeting (the zone leaders are in our district), after the district leader talked about how our district needed to be the forerunners and set the example for our zone, because our areas are doing the best right now-- I jokingly said "Ok, that's it, no more lunch!" and the zone leader right away said "HEY NOW. Priorities straight. FOOD FIRST. " People have been complimenting us a lot recently on how well we work as a trio (cause sometimes trios don't work so well), and it feels super awesome. (haha trying not to get a big head though). Love my comps though, and my district, and my zone. Corona is hard but we help each other have fun through the difficulties. Per example, last night after walking and walking from house to house all afternoon, the sisters and I soaked our sore feet in a bubble bath. SO PERFECT. But you can be assured we are working hard, all day every day, and it feels really good and the results are coming-- slowly, but surely. Apparently there haven't been baptisms in this area in AGES and so hopefully we can get some at least by summer! :) (that is, assuming we're still here by then).

There is this really beautiful video called "Because He Lives" that we are sharing for easter. We've only got a week to do it but hopefully it will really help us find people to teach and motivate those people to come to General Conference next weekend to hear more about our message about Jesus Christ! Share it! The video shows the end of Christ's life/his sacrifice; and then shows how that sacrifice applies to all of us. It's a beautiful description of how the Atonement applies to all of us at all times. For those that would like a better understanding of what the word Atonement means, here is a good definition:
https://www.lds.org/scriptures/gs/atone-atonement?lang=eng (there is more to it but that is a good basic definition)

And here is the video! Enjoy!

I love you all! Have a great week!! And maybe send me some letters for my birthday? haha :P As  I said to the kids I was cheering on for the 100 mile club service project we did
"You guys are awesome! You rock! You are super heroes! Every step is a step closer to your dream!"

With love,
Hermana Lindsey