We’re in the Olympics, champs

Dear family and friends, 

This week we had a multi-zone conference (which basically just means missionaries from 2-3 different areas all meet together to be trained by the mission president, the assistants to the president, the zone leaders and the sister training leaders); and at this multi-zone conference there was a space given in which those leaving their missions in the next three months would bear their testimony (it happens every time, they also give time for those that just came in-- I bore mine last time). I was most moved by the testimony of an Elder that had been serving in American Sign language, that said something like the following: 

"Often, people when they get up here say that their missions flew by. Flew is not the word I would use to describe my mission. The word I would use is 'full'" 

Since he said that, I've been thinking about what that really means-- for an experience to be full. I think it means that there aren't enough words to describe it. That you learn too much you can possibly explain all at once. And that their are so many people whose lives you weave in and out of that you couldn't possibly remember everyone. This week, has been, in that very word-- full. And I couldn't possibly tell you everything that has happened so instead, I will tell you what I have learned.

When we agreed to God's plan, when we lived with him before we came to this earth-- we knew it was going to be hard. We knew that it would by nature, quite often, unfair; and that the very purpose of our journey would be to struggle through the unfair things, remaining faithful to God throughout them, and enduring to the end. Sometimes I feel that missionaries are too quick to suggest that if we follow all the commandments, our lives will be easy. And that is a hollow promise, because it's simply not true. Job is proof that even if we are doing everything that our Heavenly Father asks of us; we can still lose everything we hold dear. 

I guess the way I like to describe life is that it is like the olympics. We work and we work and we work and we work preparing for the day that we have our trial. And the day that we do, we still have to push ourselves to succeed on through it. But-- where's the medal? Well, champs, the medal is eternal life. Exaltation. Living with God, his son Jesus Christ, and our families forever-- experiencing a fullness of joy. 

Now, why doesn't everyone endure to the end then-- if there is such a beautiful promise? Surprise, surprise, it's the same reason people give up on their dreams to win the gold medal at the olympics. At some point, they decide that the medal is not worth the work it takes to receive it; and thus they stop trying as hard to win the game. 

But here's what I know. I don't know what it's going to be like, when/if we succeed in enduring to the end and come into our Heavenly Father's presence. I don't know what it's going to be like for me and I don't know what it's going to be like for you-- but I do know that after all the fighting we will have done to get there, it IS going to be worth it. Because our Heavenly Father loves us, and He wouldn't have had us go through all these trials if it wasn't going to be for something wonderful. 

My investigators all have really complicated lives and really complicated problems; and what I've been learning as we've been dealing with all of their difficulties and trying to show them how much God loves them is that enduring to the end is really, really, REALLY hard. 

And it's hard specifically because sometimes life is so unfair. 

But it's Satan that wants us to get mad at God for that and quit trying. 

Because, in reality the PURPOSE of all these things, is so that we can get closer to God and someday win the medal of eternal exaltation. 

So to all of you-- whatever you're fighting and whatever you think is unfair-- God is there for you. He always has been, and He always will be. And if you get down on your knees and pour out your heart and soul He will help you get through every single trial and test you ever have. But don't let Satan fool you-- because He will keep on trying to-- your whole entire life. Hold fast to what you know and fight back and every little quip with the scriptures and with the Holy Ghost; because that is the ONLY way we can get through our trials in one piece-- and THAT is how we get CLOSER to God, rather than getting FARTHER AWAY. 

I love you all. If there is anything I can do for you, or anything you need, let me know. I miss serving all of you; even though I am super busy in the service of people here. 

Keep the commandments, take care of others-- and even though God won't take away the hard things; He will take care of YOU. 

Love always, 

Hermana Lindsey 


Irony: The Crust on the Bread of Adversity 


Your Four Minutes 
